IMMUNPOWER . Vitamin supplement for the immune system

Type: supplement
  • Con spirulina
  • Con proteine della lenticchia d'acqua
  • Con propoli e pollini di boccioli

Consigli per la somministrazione:

  • Coniglio Nano: periodo breve 10-20gr / continuo 5-10gr
  • Caviaperiodo breve 10gr / continuo 5gr
  • Cincillàperiodo breve 5gr / continuo 2,5gr
  • Deguperiodo breve 2,5gr / continuo 1,25gr


Ingredienti: Copertura biologica di pascoli permanenti (phleum pratense, festuca pratense, alopecurus pratense, lolium perenne, festuca rossa, poa annua, dactilis glomerata, holcus lanatus, ambrosia, artemisifolia bianca, anthoxanthum odoratum, gramigna, deschampsia cespitosa, phalaris arudinacea, quadrifoglio bianco, quadrifoglio rosso, foglie di dente de leone, foglie di achillea, plantago lanceolata, carum carvi, anthriscus silvestre, filipendula, hornwort ordinario, caglio, arenaria, vicia sepium, simphitum officinale, cardo, margherite, teucrium, alchimilla, grande sanguisorba, vicia villosa a foglia fine, saxifraga paniculata, coda di cane, erbe primaverili, veronica chamaedris, erophila verna, tarassaco autunnale, ambrosia artemisifolia rossa, primule di prato, piccolo quadrifoglio), crusca d'avena, phleum pratense, fiocchi d'avena, crusca e sfogliatura di frumento, crusca e sfogliatura di girasole, crusca e sfogliatura di colza, proteine della lenticchia d’acqua (3%), crusca e sfogliatura di lino, semi di lino, radice di dente di leone, foglie di dente de leone, spirulina (1%), foglie di ortica, rosa canina, fiori di camomilla, pollini di boccioli*, propoli* (*insieme 0,05%).



515grammi designs, creates and distributes its products responsibly: we work along with manufactures at 0 kms, with Italian excellences, cooperatives of disabled boys and girls and with small, family-run businesses.

Our assemblies are all manual (and made with love) and we employ raw materials that are certified, organic and untreated.

But it doesn't end here: every year, 1% of our turnover is donated to charity to ABA - Associazione Benessere Animale Onlus, a non-profit organization dedicated to saving ownerless animals in need of care.

We are happy to support this extraordinary association.

ABA Onlus is dedicated to the well-being of all animals, in the purpose of providing them a dignified and happy existence though:

  • Bringing life-saving veterinary care

  • Carrying out concrete projects for the protection of endangered species

  • Actively collaborating with recovery centers, institutions, organizations and non-profit associations

  • Promoting the diffusion of a conscious and scientifically based culture, training students, volunteers and professionals who work with animals directly.

ABA has been saving the lives of many animals forgotten by man since 2007 and is founded on the Right to Freedom from Pain and Disease for all animal species.

Being part of the 515grammi family means you are contributing to this incredible cause too.

We and our bunnies, all together, hands in paws, can save the lives of many unfortunate animals!

To find out more, visit is a zero emissions platform, thanks to the collaboration with ReteClima for the environmental compensation of CO2.

To find out more, see our certificate or visit the website